Terms and conditions

General terms and conditions of use

The use of the website s4e-software.com implies full acceptance of the general conditions of use described below. These conditions of use are likely to be modified or completed at any time, the Users of the site s4e-software.com are thus invited to consult them regularly. This Site is normally accessible to users at all times. The site s4e-software.com is updated regularly. In the same way, the legal mentions can be modified at any time: they are nevertheless imposed to the users who are invited to refer to them as often as possible in order to take note of them.



The purpose of these General Terms of Use is to define the provisions applicable to any use of the Site and its services, and in particular access to the Site and its use.
By using and browsing the Site, you, as a user, agree to comply with these Terms of Use which you acknowledge having read, understood and accepted in their entirety. If you do not agree to these terms of use, please do not browse the site and do not download any material from it.



In these Terms and Conditions of Use, the words or phrases listed below, beginning with a capital letter, shall have the following meaning:
Publisher: means S4E
Site: The Site refers to the website www.s4e-software.com
User: The User is any person having access to the Site regardless of the place where he/she is located and the connection methods
Customer means any company or entity linked to S4E by a Contract.


Access to the site

The site is accessible free of charge anywhere to any User with Internet access. All costs incurred by the User to access the service (computer hardware, software, Internet connection, etc.) are at the User’s expense.
The non-member User does not have access to the reserved services. For this purpose, S4E will communicate to the Customer, after signing a quote, the procedure for creating an account. By accepting to register for the reserved services, the User agrees to provide truthful and accurate information about his/her civil status and contact details, including his/her email address. The User is responsible for updating the information provided. It is specified to him that he can modify them by connecting to his member space. To access the services, the User must identify himself using his user name and password which are strictly personal. As such, he/she is forbidden to disclose them. Otherwise, the User will remain solely responsible for the use that will be made of them.
The User may also request to unsubscribe by going to (what are the conditions of unsubscription). This one will be effective within a reasonable time.
In case of non-compliance with the general terms and conditions of sale and/or use, the S4E Website will have the possibility to suspend or even close a User’s account after a formal notice has been sent by electronic means and remained without effect. Any deletion of an account, for whatever reason, will result in the deletion of all personal information of the User. Any event due to force majeure resulting in a malfunction of the site or server and subject to any interruption or modification in case of maintenance, does not engage the responsibility of S4E. In such cases, the User agrees not to hold the publisher responsible for any interruption or suspension of service, even without notice. The User may contact the site by e-mail at the publisher’s e-mail address provided in the legal notice.
To learn more about the terms of use of the Customer’s personal space, S4E invites you to read Article 4 entitled « Terms of use of the Software and the Customer’s personal space » of these T&Cs.


Description of the services provided

The Site s4e-software.com aims to provide a general presentation of the S4E company and its activities. S4E endeavors to provide on the s4e-software.com website information that is as accurate as possible. However, it cannot be held responsible for any omissions, inaccuracies or failures to update, whether due to its own fault or to that of third-party partners who provide the information. All the information on the s4e-software.comsont website is given as an indication and is likely to change. Therefore, despite regular updates, the S4E site cannot be held responsible for any modification of the administrative and legal provisions occurring after publication. Similarly, the site cannot be held responsible for the use and interpretation of the information contained in this site.


Intellectual property and rights of use (S4E develops software)

S4E is the owner of the intellectual property rights or holds the usage rights on all the elements accessible on the Site, in particular the texts, images, graphics, logos, icons. Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation of all or part of the elements of the Site, whatever the means or the process used, is prohibited, except with the prior written authorization of S4E. Any unauthorized exploitation of the Site or any of the elements it contains will be considered as constituting an infringement and will be prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of articles L.335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code.
It is reminded in accordance with the article L122-5 of the Code of intellectual property that the User who reproduces, copies or publishes the protected contents must quote the author and his source.



  • You may not use the Site to:
    Publish, post or express any obscene, profane, hateful or abusive opinions, views, content, racial, ethnic, sexual, vulgar or distasteful considerations,
  • To hold defamatory remarks, or invading the private life of another person,
  • Transmit « junk mail », « spam » or any repetitive or unsolicited message (commercial or otherwise),
  • Gather or collect, in any way, information about others, including e-mail addresses, without the consent of the third parties involved,
  • Falsify an e-mail address or attempt to mislead third parties in any way as to the identity of the sender or the origin of the message
  • Transmit any element containing viruses or any element that is damaging or harmful to the Site or to third parties or in violation of the law.



The use of the Site, its services and any element or information obtained through it, is the exclusive responsibility of the User. As a User of the Site, it is the User’s responsibility to take appropriate measures to protect his/her own data from contamination by any viruses circulating on the Internet. The Site may contain hyperlinks to other sites not maintained or edited by S4E. S4E has no control whatsoever over the information, products or services offered by these other sites and cannot in any way be held responsible for the content of such sites. Neither S4E nor any of its affiliates, shareholders, officers, employees or other representatives can be held liable for any damages, loss of data, lack of performance, direct or indirect material or immaterial damages, such as loss of business, loss of customers, loss of data, loss of revenue or loss of profit, incurred by the User in connection with the use of the www. s4e-software.com, and in a general way, any commercial disorder, which could result from the impossibility of access to this Site, whatever the duration, from the use of erroneous information and/or the contents.
Exchange spaces are available to the User on the Site such as contact forms. S4E reserves the right to remove, without prior notice, any content posted in this area that would violate applicable French law, in particular the provisions regarding data protection and the prohibitions mentioned above. If necessary, S4E also reserves the possibility of calling into question the civil and/or criminal liability of the User, whatever the medium used.
The User is responsible for keeping the password secret. Any disclosure of the password, whatever its form, is prohibited. The User assumes all risks related to the use of his login and password. The Site declines all responsibility


Management of personal data and cookies

S4E collects personal data about Users when they browse the Site, in particular through the «Contact» section, or when they submit an application via the Site.
The User is also informed that during his visits to the Site, cookies may be automatically installed on his browser.
To learn more about the processing of your data, we invite you to consult our data protection charter and for the management of cookies we invite you to consult our cookies policy.


Applicable law and jurisdiction

Any dispute in connection with the use of the s4e-software.com website is subject to French domestic law. Exclusive jurisdiction is given to the competent courts of Montpellier.