S4E News

Customer service Accompanying everyone at every stage

S4E considers the quality of customer service as its cornerstone, just as crucial as their technologic excellence. The customer service department, established in 2023, has become a central part of their offer, ensuring that every interaction with customers is both positive and efficient. “S4E’s customer service goes beyond solving technical

 Convert energy into currency with Energysoft

Optimised management of solar installations is not limited to technical performance monitoring, it also extends to financial impact. Thanks to its energy value function, Energysoft can present energy production as monetary value, giving managers a complete view of the profitability of their photovoltaic power plants. What is the energy value

Smart Neighbouring Comparing to optimize performance

S4E is all about continuous development. This is perfectly illustrated by the Smart Neighbourhing feature, integrated into the Energysoft application five years ago. This technology, which uses artificial intelligence, can identify underperforming photovoltaic power plants by comparing them with surrounding installations. What is the Smart Neighbouring? It enables solar power

Looking back on a successful year and a promising horizon for 2024

2023 marked a significant turning point for the photovoltaic energy sector, with significant growth and accelerated adoption worldwide. In this dynamic and effervescent sector, S4E has set the pace by responding to increasing volumes and a growing demand from its customers for new and improved functions. 2023: a year of

Cloud DataLogger: an innovation in managing data from power plants

Last September, S4E implemented the Cloud DataLogger on Energysoft. Proposed for the interconnection of CNR (Compagnie Nationale du Rhône) ground-based power plants, this innovation marks a crucial development in the collection and analysis of energy data. It provides photovoltaic power plant and wind farm operators with a powerful tool to

2023, a year of consolidation for S4E and its platform Energysoft

With almost 3GW of renewable power plants monitored on its platform Enegysoft, S4E, a Saas software company, establish itself as the French market leader of the solar Commercial and industrial segment 2023 stands as a year of consolidation for Energysoft with the achievement of major software development and progresses. Since