S4E has announced its partnership with the EPF school so as to make known its software of energy monitoring : Energysoft.
Researchers, industrialists, students and all concerned can now have free access to the software at the test platform of Energy’Lab.
What is the advantage for Energy’Lab ?
Energy’Lab users will be able to use it for :
- R&D projects for researchers at home,
- Partnerships between R&D and companies to test material and/ or software,
- Students practical lessons.
They will all be able to work on real data measured in situ.
What is the EPF ?
Since 1925 the EPF school has been training international, responsible, innovative general engineers.
Trained for tomorrow’s ecological challenges.
Since its creation in 2012, the Montpellier campus of EPF has offered engineering trainings linked to the issues of energy, environmental and digital transition.
And to go even further EPF created in 2018 a lab dedicated to the energy transition: Energy’Lab
More info on EPF : https://www.epf.fr/
What is ENERGY’LAB ?
We are faced today with a huge ecological challenge around the use of fossil fuels and their pollution. The energy transition encourages us to increase the amount of renewable energies and to control their uses.
Energy’Lab is an experimental platform which accompanies the economic actors and the civil soceity in these transformations, with a particular focus on the steering of energy.
More info on Energy’Lab : https://www.epf.fr/actualite/energy-lab-la-nouvelle-plateforme-technologique-de-epf